I've done a complete uninstall (including deleting all files left over by the Steam uninstall) and reinstall. used only the essential mods for the enb in question Changed all AA, FXAA, and other settings in the nvidia control panel to application controlled for tesv.exe (no i'm not using skse) It will display what has been deleted if anything has at all. It will delete all instances of ENB, FXAA, ReShade and SweetFX from the selected directory.

Make sure the path points to your Skyrim install directory, if not make it do so. Changing the reserved memory size to 1024 Run 'ENB and ReShade Manager.exe' from anywhere on your PC. Editing my vram total in enblocal.ini to 10240 (my ram and vram-2048) Setting my SkyrimPrefs.ini to Read Only Steps I've taken toward solving the problem include The version of ENB I'm using is 254, the wrapper version, and I've tried RealVision ENB, PureVision ENB, Insomnia ENB, and now River ENB. This should get you rid of anything that might be left from a former ENB install. Simply start the program, select 'SKyrim SE' and hit the 'Remove' button. And it can also be used to clean up leftovers from previously installed enbs. i deleted and reinstalled the game but when i launched it was still running the enb. It's a wonderful tool for installing ENB and ReShade presets. i want to remove the enb and try another but i cant seem to figure out how. So whenever I attempt to launch Skyrim, the launcher is completely unresponsive and I can't select any of the options (play, data files, options etc). i installed an enb a while back and although it made the game look good, it added an atrocious layer of static over the screen that i cant seem to disable.